Friday, January 20, 2006

Two Months in Japan

I'm supposed to meet someone across the street in two minutes, so this update has to be quick.

It's official: I've been here for over two months. As I've explained before, time passes really slowly here, so it feels like I've been here a really long time, but in a nother sense it feels like I just arrived. I celebrated yesterday by cooking for the first time. I can't believe I haven't cooked in my entire two months here. I cooked a HUGE feast: Chicken nuggets, thai chili sauce, rice, spinach and orange juice. Chicken nuggetes take too long to cook, so I just ate my my spinach by hand from the bag while I was waiting. Actually, it wasn't much of a sit-down meal now that I think about it.

I also realized something else that I haven't done since I arrived: finished unpacking. Yeah, one of my suitcases is still about half-full with crap that I shouldn't have brought (clothes that I don't wear, books that I don't want, addresses of people I don't want to write to). So maybe I should just not bother unpacking it and just leave it all in there, nicely folded up for the trip home next fall.

The other night I ate a cactus taco at the taco stand in Juso (run by a woman who immigrated from Mexico 25 years ago). She suggested the cactus taco to me and it was actually a good change of pace, though it basically just felt like chewing rubber.

So I've decided that I'm definitely moving out. I haven't been able to decide where to go, though. Not only is my apartment a dirty shithole, but I recently found out that it has... whoa, I have to go, the person I was supposed to meet just walked in, I'll finish this later!



At January 21, 2006 12:48 AM, Blogger rubyslipperlady said...

No fair leaving us hanging like that. Hope you find a great place where you can cook a real meal. Love that you are not afraid to try new things and get out and about, your roomies are missing out it seems. Think I'll have your sense of adventure if I get to go over.

At January 21, 2006 2:38 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Oh, the cliffhanger! You tease, you.

A cactus taco sounds pretty gross. I hope there wasn't any actual cactus in it.

At March 12, 2006 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I shagged the daughter about a year ago, busty girl with a bit of a tooth problem


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