Hey, I have great news! I didn't do anything this weekend! I just relaxed around home and strolled around and such. It was great!! Isn't my blog interesting?
Actually, I've been feeling a little sick and tired. My latest theory is that I'm lactose intolerant. Luckily, lactose is among Japan's many intolerances too (right after immigrants).
This week, one of my roommates has three Californian guests staying in our already-cramped apartment. Luckily, they've been really good guests. They all just go out all day, come home and are long gone by the time I get up.
Anyway, not too much new going on. I escaped most social activities over the past week and it feels good in my bank account. I'm trying to save some money now to put away. I'm taking on two new secret private students in the next couple of weeks. My current private student is doing great, today we learned about numbers. I felt a little disappointed, though, when she told me that she had budgeted the equivalent of $3.00 for her trip to Canada.
Oh yeah, today in Starbucks I saw a little boy with a t-shirt with French writing and in big letters it said "Fille". French, German and Italian, which are found commonplace here when a product is trying to look expensive, are usually much more mangled than English, so all that European language study of mine is finally paying off.
Remember how I mentioned that restaurants here have plastic food models in glass cases outside of their shops? Well I took some pictures of some. When I first arrived they looked disgusting. Now they look delicious.
Yes, that's a $30.00 sundae on the top row. It makes the $8.50 sundae beneath it sound like a fantastic deal. But just think, how much would you pay for a sundae back home?
Japanese Food!
Omelets filled with rice (called Omeraisu) are massively popular here. And pretty good. This all may seem pretty edible, but I was a little terrified by the food here when I first arrived. They didn't have any of the "traditional" Japanese food I was expecting (by which I mean the food that I had been led to believe was Japanese before I came). But at this point, I've really gotten used to the food options available here, and I .never think about food from back home! Ok, that's not true at all, but I am actually enjoying my options here for the time being.
i just found out that the deli behind my building has turducken. there is a japanese restaurant right next door but i've never been. im glad to hear your liking the food.
hey dee,
is the japanese restaurant named something along the lines of milamodo? if so, i hear that it is good.
i wrote the last post.
perhaps i should have e-mailed you instead of posting here any way.
No no, keep it up. It's like I'm eavesdropping.
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