Back in Osaka
After a night of packing, an hour of sleep, a 5:30am trip to the Halifax airport, the better part of a day in the Detroit departures terminal and a 14-hour long-haul flight while wedged between two rows of young, Asian children (they kicked, they screamed, they speculated about the wolves on the Disney in-flight feature...)
...I'm back in Osaka.
And Japan is zestful [just a note on that word: I opened up a thesaurus to try to find a word befitting how Japan feels and couldn't find one, but realized I've never used the word zestful and was scared I might never find the opportunity] -- So, we ask, if it's so zestful, then why did I ever leave? Well, I'll get to that in an upcoming monstrosity of an update. But right now, I have an apartment to find and some sushi to be prepared for me in an efficient, polite manner.
good to hear you got back safely too bad i could not get it together to see more of you in hali.
I'll see you around champ.
Your blog is paradise to me.
Let's be in love forever.
Damn you, where is my upcoming monstrosity of an update?
I picked my Australia courses and managed to score my bad self a 3-day school week. So, regarding visiting Japan, I will probably skip a week and come up for a bit. Or skip two weeks, go to Southeast Asia, and then come up. I'm, like, so committed to learning.
welcome back - its impossible to stay away :)
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