Monday, November 06, 2006

Sayonara Japan

The Sayonara Party was an unexpected success. By unexpected, I mean that it was not at all how I imagined. Yes, I guess that would be the dictionary definition of unexpected, but I'm too tired to elaborate. Anyway, I was kept entertained for the entire four hours and had some last moments with a lot of great people who I might never see again. In the heat of the moment, I managed to commit myself to seeing many of them later this week... giving a final goodbye is always hard, so making tentative, unrealistic future plans always seems to ease the process. In another bout of getting caught up in the moment, I bought a lot more goodbye drinks than I drank, but every one was worth it.

Although the sayonara party's over, I still have a lot of exciting milestones left to cross. Today, for example, I have my last private student and last poker night. Tomorrow is my last work shift. Wednesday is my last... Wednesday. Anyway, things are summing up and I really need to start planning out my packing and shipping, but for now...

..Sayonara, Japan.


At November 07, 2006 8:07 PM, Blogger Summer said...

Hey I just found your blog- good times! Glad your sayonara party was great, as it should be. I emailed you- let me know if you didn't get it


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