Back in Osaka
After a night of packing, an hour of sleep, a 5:30am trip to the Halifax airport, the better part of a day in the Detroit departures terminal and a 14-hour long-haul flight while wedged between two rows of young, Asian children (they kicked, they screamed, they speculated about the wolves on the Disney in-flight feature...)
...I'm back in Osaka.
And Japan is zestful [just a note on that word: I opened up a thesaurus to try to find a word befitting how Japan feels and couldn't find one, but realized I've never used the word zestful and was scared I might never find the opportunity] -- So, we ask, if it's so zestful, then why did I ever leave? Well, I'll get to that in an upcoming monstrosity of an update. But right now, I have an apartment to find and some sushi to be prepared for me in an efficient, polite manner.